WHEREAS, Joselynne Roddy, hereinafter called "Breeder” is the owner of a Puppy, and WHEREAS _________________, hereinafter called "Buyer", would like to purchase the Puppy described below, hereinafter referred to as the Puppy, under the terms and conditions described within this Agreement:
1. Description
Sex: ______
Color: ___________
Date of Birth: ______________ 
Sire: _________________________________________________________
Pick Order/Collar: ___________________________
2. Purchase Price
In consideration of the sum of $______, the Breeder hereby Agrees to sell one Puppy under the following warranties and conditions and no other warranties or conditions either expressed or implied. Buyer shall remit a $______ deposit upon signing of this contract via PayPal, Venmo, or Zelle, and shall pay the balance of $______ at pick up IN CASH, Zelle, or Venmo.
3. Registration
The above-described animal is a purebred puppy, and comes with AKC _______ registration. Breeder will register the puppy and have the AKC mail the certificate directly to the buyer in their name as “_________________________________”. This litter is the ____ Litter, and Buyer shall choose a suitable name within 2 weeks of purchase/pick up. (Buyers initials______)
4. Health Guarantees
Health Testing: The Breeder guarantees that the sire and dam have been tested for the congenital and heritable diseases which are common to this breed, and the results are in Section 1, Description. We guarantee that the Puppy is from these specific parents and pedigree and that parents are tested free from the risk of those breed-specified defects. Breeder guarantees that she has done her due diligence in selecting a pairing that will not predispose any Puppy to genetic diseases, but Breeder cannot guarantee against future environmental factors once the Puppy has left her care. (Buyers initials______)
Veterinary Inspections: Breeder guarantees the Puppy to be in good health and free of Communicable Disease at the time of purchase and pick up. Puppy will be checked for abnormalities by a licensed veterinarian at 8 weeks during their first vaccine appointment. This health check includes a basic heart, eyes, lungs, bite, ears, eyes, external genitalia, and umbilicus, as well as current weight. If there are any serious abnormalities are found, Buyer shall be notified immediately and will have the right to choose a different Puppy from the litter, if available, wait for another litter, OR receive a refund of the deposit.
Buyer must schedule a wellness check within 3 business days of pick-up from Breeder. If Buyers’ veterinarian has any serious concerns of long-term, life-altering health conditions at this visit, Breeder must be notified immediately. Breeders’ veterinarian must be provided a written diagnosis signed by Buyers’ licensed vet, and Breeder has the right to request a second opinion at her expense. If Puppy is found to have a serious condition by a second veterinarian, at that time the buyer can request to either return the puppy for a replacement puppy of equal value from a current or future litter, or return the puppy and receive a full refund. The Breeder is not responsible for Buyers’ vet bill. WE DO NOT OFFER MONETARY REFUNDS AFTER THE INITIAL VET VISIT AT BUYERS’ VET.
(Buyers initials______)
Puppies that become sick or die due to an accident or buyers’ negligence (chewing electrical cords, hung by collar, exposing the puppy to strange dogs not living in the home before fully vaccinated, etc.) will not be replaced. Puppies that are re-vaccinated prior to the specified dates will also not be replaced. (Buyers initials______)
Vaccinations & Deworming: The puppy has had its’ first vaccinations on ___________, along with a complete veterinary exam and physical to check for any abnormalities. Breeder will provide Buyer a record of this visit. The puppy will have been dewormed by the Breeder and Buyer will be provided a list of dates and products with which the Puppy was dewormed, as well as a list of the dates and a schedule for future vaccinations and deworming. BUYER MUST LIMIT EXPOSURE OF THE PUPPY TO UNFAMILIAR DOGS AND PUBLIC PLACES UNTIL THE PUPPY IS FULLY VACCINATED. This means avoiding large group puppy classes, and places such as dog parks, PetSmart, etc. (Buyers initials______)
Spay/Neutering: If the puppy is spayed or neutered prior to maturity, this guarantee is voided. There will be absolutely no refunds or replacements of any puppy which is altered prior to _____ months of age. Vets will often recommend doing this around 6 months old, however, for the health and well-being of a Puppy, it is recommended to leave the Dog INTACT until maturity. Therefore, while we acknowledge that it is “inconvenient” to keep an intact dog in the home, we are more concerned with the LONG-TERM HEALTH and SOUNDNESS of the dog. (Buyers initials______)
4. Temperament Guarantees
Socialization and Training: Our puppies are raised underfoot, socialized and extensively handled by adults AND children, and exposed to variety of conditions. We start puppies with ENS (Early Neurological Stimulation) at 3 days of age, and continue through day 16. This is standard with every litter, and puppies are further socialized with a "puppy culture" type protocol, focusing on communication, habituation, and enrichment, to help build an emotionally stable dog. Puppies are evaluated using the VOLHARD METHOD at 7 weeks of age, to ensure suitable placement with the intended family! To ensure your puppy’s temperament remains as sound as the day it leaves our home, continue with training! Herding breeds are very intelligent dogs with working drives. Responsible owners channel this intelligence and drive in the proper direction with adequate love, attention, and training. We strongly suggest the buyer to take their new puppy to obedience classes to learn proper handling techniques, once fully vaccinated! We cannot guarantee against environmental temperament problems, resulting from abuse, neglect, or failure to acquire appropriate training for the dog. (Buyers initials______)
Temperament Testing: If this Agreement is entered into prior to temperament testing, and the Puppy fails to have a suitable temperament for the Buyer at temperament testing at 49 days, Buyer shall have the right to choose a different Puppy from the litter, if available, wait for another litter, OR receive a refund of the deposit. (Buyers initials______)
5. Return, Transfer of Ownership, and Right of First Refusal
If for any reason Buyer becomes unable to care for the Puppy, Breeder will be happy to take the dog back or help Buyer place the dog in a new home, regardless of age or circumstance. Buyers are required to notify Breeder FIRST in the event that a puppy is to be sold, placed in another home, or relinquished. The Guarantees in this contract only apply to the Original Buyer and IS NOT Transferable if the puppy is resold or given to someone else, without express written consent of the Breeder. (Buyers initials______)
Agreement of terms is acknowledged by the signing of this Agreement. This Agreement is entered into on this ____Day of ________, 20__ in the County of Whiteside, in the State of Illinois, USA and will be interpreted and enforced under the laws of Illinois and The United States. If any clause in the Agreement is against said laws, then that clause shall be null and void. This document represents the entire agreement between the parties. No other agreements, promises, verbal or implied, are included unless specifically stated in this written Agreement.
Breeder Signature ________________________________ Date____________
Breeder Address: Breeder Phone (815)632-7025
Breeder email: fourleaffarm@hotmail.com
Buyer Signature ________________________________ Date_____________
Buyer Address: 

Buyer Phone
Buyer email: