Below, Tommy on June 21, 2011. He is 11 weeks old, and a total terror! He loves to play, and has no fear of the "big horses", and has completely worn his old mom out. She doesn't even bother to try and keep up with him anymore, so he has taken to hanging out with Tariana and Teague, except to sneak a quick bite to eat. He loves his people, though, and he is playful, and quick to catch on, and he is an incredibly powerful mover. In his video, below, you can see mom give him a few "friendly reminders" to watch his manners, but he is such a a good way. He will be a super athlete.
6-27-11 at the new pasture...

Pictures and VIDEO below from 7-7-11. Tommy is 3 months old...
Below: Tommy at 6 months of age. He stands 13.2hh at the wither, and just a smidge under 14hh at the rump. He is looking so grown up now!
Filthy and furry!! January 2012!